Not an eSports expert but AI can definitely help predict the outcome of the match! Mobile League: Arena of Glory in Spring and Winter 2020, official sponsor Clear Men used AI31 to predict match results with 85% accuracy with amazing fast speed.


Matches analyzed


Total number of analyzes


Match rate correctly predicted


The speed of making predictions

With any sport, winning doesn’t just depend on skill, dedication, and luck. It is often determined by strategy and performance analysis in the past and in real-time. The secret to success lies in data and esports need it too.

A landmark real-time prediction system for esports

AI31 – Artificial Intelligence System – “Hijacking Live Games” is used in the Mobile League: Arena of Glory in Spring and Winter 2020. The most significant advantage that AI31 has over humans process large amounts of data in a short time. What humans can take months to analyze and process, AI31 makes predictions in less than a minute.

Predictions are made based on consideration of pre-match factors as well as real-time factors as the match progresses. Matches are recorded with 9 variables in the match: player name, champion pick, kill, death, assist, gold, Caesar, dragons, turrets, and 4 ending variables: the damage inflicted, take damage, damage commercial recovery, MVP.

This prediction system was developed by Alta Media and Alta Software to help improve the competitive advantage of teams. Instead of wasting time equipping opponent insights, analysts and players will have time to focus on changing strategies and hone their skills. At the same time, real-time statistics and predictions help viewers know the progress of the match in the easiest way to understand.

Project information

  • Client: Clear Men Viet Nam
  • Project: AI31 – Hijacking Live Games
  • Mobile League: Arena of Glory in Spring and Winter 2020


  • Prediction always plays an important role in choosing a strategy or adjusting a squad.
  • eSports is difficult to predict the outcome due to the impact of many factors in real-time.
  • With the current human ability, it takes a lot of time to be able to predict and easily miss variables leading to inaccurate results.


Artificial intelligence – Machine learning


The Bronzer Award-winning system in the Best Use of Data category at WARC Media Awards 2020 – Global Awards is held annually to honor media campaigns that have a positive impact on business results.

The goal of Alta Media, Alta Software is to provide customers with the most accurate and reliable, and up-to-date data. We believe that this technology has the potential to reach not only esports but also opens the door to a multitude of possibilities to integrate data into businesses. Businesses can use historical data to evaluate the effectiveness of business strategies, predict customer behavior and the effectiveness of subsequent strategies.